Fitspo Busy Mom & Spartan Race Obstacle Runner in Singapore - Natalie Dau (@rockstararms)

Practice little acts of courage & honesty daily. Make yourself alittle vulnerable, alittle uncomfortable - have the courage to be imperfect. Few of us enjoy the stress of stepping outside our comfort zones, but, as the saying goes, that is where the magic happens!

Thousands took part in Spartan Race on 22 April in Hong Kong. This weekend, the race will be in Singapore, followed by other Asian countries like Malaysia & Thailand in the 2nd half of 2017.Want to take part but fearing that you aren’t fit enough? IT'S TIME TO KICK FEAR TO THE SIDE.

In Conversation with: Natalie Dau (a.k.a. @Rockstararms - yes, check out her arms & abs. Goals!). With Spartan Race + Mother's Day just right round the corner, we couldn't think of a better time to feature this amazing lady who constantly pushes her own boundaries and wants to inspire YOU to do so too!

"Wake up and be thankful you have the opportunity to be the best you can be everyday. The only barrier to achieving something is the one you set yourself - so be brave and enjoy the journey. And definitely, no excuses!"

Originally from Australia, this #fitspo mom has been in Asia for 14 years, and now calls Singapore home. After spending close to 25 years working in International Marketing & Communications roles, she decided to take a leap and follow her passion for Health & Fitness and created Urban Remedy - a digital wellness platform with the goal of making healthy living accessible and achievable for everyone across Asia.

She is also a qualified Personal Trainer and a Reebok-sponsored athlete.

  • Age: 45
  • No. of kid(s): 1 daughter, Lilliana, aged 8
  • Favorite type of workout: Running keeps me sane, and I love it as all you need are some shoes and you can do it anywhere in the world.
  • Go-to Boutique Fitness gyms: Fitness First, TripleFit (both of which she is an ambassador for); CrossFit gym (Mobilus)
  • Favorite healthy eats café: Grounded
  • Productivity tool: I am old school (or just old!) as I cant live without my to do list everyday, written in a lovely notepad

What is a typical day like for you?

I put my daughter on the school bus and then head out for a run and coffee on the way home. I am head down working all day but try and get another session in, which will be CrossFit, mobility or skills and then I am usually working until around 10pm each night to close off the day.

What is the attraction of the Spartan Race?

It was actually by accident as a friend talked me into it the night before. I did one as part of a group and then I was hooked. I love it as no one is good at all parts of the race, so it means anything can happen on that day.

It is a real mental & physical challenge, and what other race can you get so muddy and climb ropes!

Do you follow a strict nutrition regimen?

Yes I do. I try a few things to see what works for me and eat clean & intermittent fast generally, but I do look forward to a cheat meal! This doesn’t change close to a race as I like to stay consistent with what works for me energy wise when I train.

Did motherhood change you?

It makes you prioritise life differently and I think gives you an excuse to relax and just have fun. My motto is quality not quantity when it comes to time. When I am with my daughter I am fully engaged and she gets 100% of my attention.

Did you keep relatively active and healthy during your pregnancy? What did you find the most challenging?

I was active before getting pregnant doing triathlons so I kept active the whole way through, making sure I did something (even a walk) every day. Food wise, I had bad morning sickness so I just listened to my body and ate when I could.

Do you think women and/or specifically moms, are subjected to many societal ideas on what a woman “should” be or what moms “should” do? Anything you’d like to highlight?

Way too much! There is so much pressure on new mums to do everything perfectly. My advice is just get through it as best you can as your baby won't remember whether you ever did bath time.

It is important for a woman to not lose her identity in a child or her partner or in what someone else looks like. Be brave enough to do what you want to do!

What do you think is the best gift you can give to your children?

Don’t instil your fears onto them, let them explore and discover things themselves and support them to do it. I also believe in leading by actions – so set healthy examples. Oh and lots of hugs!

What are some words you live by?

Feel the fear and do it anyway! And I also believe that discipline is key – choosing between what you want now and what you want most.

Who or what continues to inspire you?

Anyone who is pushing their own personal boundaries and not afraid to fail. They don’t have to be winning gold medals but they are putting themselves out there and giving it their heart & soul.

What are your Heath, Fitness & Wellness go-tos?

I have to have my morning coffee as I cant live without that (iced long black). I live in activewear so anything Reebok and my Polar watch is awesome for tracking my training. I am getting into the habit of using a rumble roller every day to help with my mobility and I also try to have reflexology once a week as a treat.

What is your top piece of advice you’d like to share with other Busy Women entrepreneurs who are looking to start their own families too?

There is never a perfect time to do it – so if you are considering it, go for it.

Know it is possible to juggle a family, career and keeping fit – it just means you need to be organised.

What goals would you like to challenge yourself with this month? Share them with us at #BoldandBravery or drop us a note: