Top 6 Easy Ways to Stay Motivated and Have A Healthy Mind & Body Despite Your Busy Lifestyles

Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder, starting on your entrepreneurial journey or a new mom, being Busy and getting ahead at work / school / life doesn’t mean sacrificing everything else...

...more importantly, you'll need to have the ability & health (mental, physical, emotional) to be Busy!

It's probably tough to "have it all" - but there are definitely little ways or simple habits you can put in place to have some anchors in your life.

Our #TEAMBUSYWOMAN Community Ambassador Tayo Koonprasert shares with us some simple tips for you ladies in the community to incorporate health & wellness into your busy lives.

Tayo works with the Bank of Thailand and is often stuck at a desk looking at charts & numbers on the computer all day. Up until the end of last year, this lady was also doing a part-time Master’s Degree on the weekends, which left her with very little time for a social life, exercising, or even sleep. Coming August, this lady will be off to Harvard University for her 2nd Master's Degree!

"I refused to let my busy work/school schedules jeopardize my mental and physical health, so I tried to find ways to make time for myself."

1. Count your steps

For people who sit at a desk most of the day, keeping track of steps (via a fitness tracker or an app) is a great way to make sure you get in some physical activity. My entire fitness journey started with me receiving a Fitbit as a birthday present. It made me realize how physically INACTIVE I was from sitting around working/studying all day, and it motivated me to move around more.

Adding more steps to your day isn’t as hard as it seems. Just park your car in the furthest spot next time you go shopping. Use a smaller water bottle at work so you can get up to refill it more often. Take a detour to a different bathroom further away. You’ll be surprised with how many steps you can gain from just changing up your daily routine! Plus, you’ll feel much more agile and full of energy too!

2. Set a workout time and stick to it

Procrastination is in everyone’s nature! We are only human after all ;) When it comes to exercising, I’ve found that it is much more efficient to set a specific workout time to avoid skipping workouts. Set a realistic workout time - one that you can surely stick to on a daily basis.

My workout time is at noon every workday. My office has a gym and that is where I go during my 1 hour lunch break. Working out during lunch helps relieve stress and actually boosts my productivity during the afternoon because I feel so refreshed afterwards. Keep in mind that different people have different schedules, so find one that works best for YOU.

3. Do something new

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Have you tried kickboxing? Have you done barre? Or what about CrossFit? Go on, switch your workouts and try something new!

For me, I alternate between cardio, weights, and circuit training during weekdays and try to join fitness classes on the weekends. By trying different exercises, I’ve found my strong/weak points and know where I need improvement (e.g. my upper body strength or form).

4. Find a SweatBuddy

Friends who sweat together, stick together! During the week, I drag my coworkers to go workout during our lunch hour. I use the word “drag” because at first they were not enthusiastic about it, but now they have grown to love it as much as I do.

I have also met many new people through The Busy Woman Project and various fitness events, several of whom I can now call close friends and reliable workout buddies!

5. Seek inspiration

Inspiration can be found anywhere, in any form. For me, I spend a lot of time each day on Instagram. I like to look for workout clips to try later at the gym or at home. I’ve never been a good cook, but seeing all the food pictures has made me start cooking more often and experimenting with healthy food!

I especially love looking at posts by other #TEAMBUSYWOMAN ladies to see how everyone else is doing, they are the inspiration I need every day and I am grateful to be a part of this community.

6. Love yourself

As girls, we sometimes get envious of others. Admit it, we’ve all been there. So continuing on from my previous paragraph, looking to others as an inspiration does NOT mean comparing yourself to others.

Inspiration evokes positive motivation to make a change, whereas comparison causes self-doubt. Just the fact that we are all trying to do something to improve our health and wellness makes us all equal. You are the only one who can make a difference about your own well-being, so nourish and love YOURSELF. ☺

With my move to Boston, surely everything will be brand new to me: the surroundings, my daily schedule, the people, etc. I will have to work much harder to reestablish a new routine, but that is a challenge I look forward to embracing! Stay tuned for the next chapters ☺

Article contributed by #TEAMBUSYWOMAN Community Ambassador Tayo K..

Looking to kickstart & sustain your health journey and goals? To make healthy living easy & efficient for the Busy, we have launched Broc & Bells! The name is short for Broccoli & Dumbbells - this web app will allow you to discover* curated boutique fitness gyms, healthy eats cafes & wellness experiences "near me" + Find Your SweatBuddy.

*Discover currently available in Singapore; Find Your SweatBuddy available in Asia