Community Ambassador: Kimberly Truong

Community Ambassador: Kimberly Truong

"No one is too busy for something or someone – they just have different priorities."

My name is Kimberly Truong and I'm a 17 year old student Vietnamese American at the Singapore American School. Apart from having to do well in school, I take part in cheerleading and am also part of two different service clubs, Medical Explorers and Outreach Vietnam, which both involve a number of hours in my week to hold meetings and attend hospital visits.

I am also a bikini competitor and recently participated in Singapore’s Fitness Model Search Nationals 2016 in the Bikini Athletic division. Why is such a young athlete choosing to put herself in such mental and physical difficulty? I believe that when you want to achieve your goals, you have to take them head on. Honestly, it was one of the hardest fitness journeys I embarked on. It was extremely tough dieting and working out everyday while being active in school, and I am thankful for the amazing friends and coaches who really helped me get through it all!

To step on stage means that you are mentally and physically strong enough to push yourself to the extremes of dieting and fitness to be in a physique competition – that truly resonates with a quote I believe in – "Work hard until you never have to explain yourself." I capture the entire process through my YouTube channel in a vlog series called SFMS Prep.

I have learnt so much during this competition preparation about mental and physical health, and I would love to share my experiences with you beautiful ladies. I believe that fitness is a lifestyle, not just a hobby.

I want to inspire you ladies to view it in a similar manner – it is possible for us to live a healthy lifestyle, even if we are so busy. I prioritize my health. Stick around and we can be stronger together with #TEAMBUSYWOMAN! Have a great one fit fam, strong Truong out!