As a Nike Master Trainer, musician, performer, budding entrepreneur and most recently, being crowned Women's Health Next Fitness Star of 2017 - Betina Gozo is one lady who has managed to weave her different interests and talents together in a way that fulfils her purpose & spirit!
"I’ve been so surprised - just following my passions and doing what I love has left a real impact on people! It has been an overwhelmingly warm year, and the more passion I inject into my work, the better it gets!"
Betina was born in Quezon City in the Philippines and first traveled to the United States when she was only 2 years old. Originally hailing from Chicago, she has recently moved to Portland, USA. She has also been featured on multiple publications including WGN News, NBC News, Chicago Tribune and more.
We speak with her to find out more about her journey, and hopefully it'll inspire you to get started on yours!

What is your purpose and how do you lead a purposeful life?
I love fitness! Over the years, I never would have guessed I'd be doing what I’m doing, but I’ve always had a passion for helping people.
As my mom is a nurse, growing up, I was always exposed to healthcare. She’s always helping people. When I was younger, she used to have me volunteer at a nursing home, taking care of the people there, helping them to the bathroom, etc. At 18, I lived with two people who had muscular atrophy and assisted them.
All my life, I’ve always wanted to physically help people - helping people do things in their life, be it physical or mental, and now I help people to get fit.
Being a musician and a dancer, I also enjoy performing. Now, I live both my passions! Performing in front of a different audience, in person or on screen as an instructor, and helping people stay fit and healthy at the same time!
Share some of your experiences finding purpose in life?
Ask yourself what is it you really love to do, and not only that, what makes you really light up and get excited! Figure how you can make that a part of your life, put yourself in those situations and good things will happen.
In January, I partnered with a gym in Portland, bringing “Train With Betina” there. With that, I have gotten to meet a lot more people, and expand my audience. It’s been really great being able to meet so many amazing people who truly want to get better themselves, who invest in themselves and who work hard. I love being able to witness their passion, drive and excitement! There is really nothing more rewarding for me.
Do you think women are subjected to many societal ideas on what a woman “should” be?
The gender conversation has evolved with time, and we are in a different generation now where women aren’t subjected to as many social constructs as before.
However, there are still a lot of people out there who think that women shouldn’t do this or women should do that, or women should stay at home. Just a few years ago, even my mom said to me, “You need to find a nice man to take care of you…”.
That’s not exciting and definitely isn’t going to help me fulfil my purpose!
What are some actionable steps one can take to live a purposeful & well life?
Writing down your goals and what it is you really like to do, what is it that you are passionate about. You have to really believe that you can achieve your goals, you have to be the person to believe in yourself!
What are some simple things someone can do if they are feeling 'lost'?
Find someone that has similar interests or goals as you, find a trainer, or someone that inspires you, that you can connect with! It’s important to surround yourself with people that are going to uplift you, and let their energy take you.
What are some healthy habits you have picked up?
I think meditation and mindfulness are important. Even though it is currently such a buzz phrase, and you hear it everywhere, not everyone is practicing it. It is like a muscle that needs to be worked on to build up as well.
Personally, I use Headspace to meditate. I love the different packs they have; almost like a mini therapist. With regular practice, I’ve been able to sit down and think a little bit better, and be more empathetic and compassionate to the people around me.
Our mind is so connected with the body! Even with my clients in training, I am such a big believer in mind health. Between a client who’s had a rough day as compared to one who has had eight hours of sleep and ate well, I would push them differently.
You wear multiple hats, including being an entrepreneur - what do you think are some ways brands can live purpose?
Figuring out what your message is, and not trying to be any other brand or any other person, that is what is going to make your brand/business stand out!
Know what you can do and what represents you best, and roll with it. With so much competition nowadays, why try to be someone else when you can be your own brand or your own person? Look inwards and know what matters to you or your business most.

People often think that strength means power, mental toughness, absolute confidence, overachievers - no flaws, nor fears. Whilst celebrating the many amazing women's achievements this International Women's Day, we'd like to share with you another aspect of strength. Something that all of us, your everyday driven busy woman, is capable of.
Being honest with yourself. In line with this quarter's theme, #livingmypurpose involves getting comfortable and being self-aware of what really is important to YOU. Is it growing and experiencing life as a person? Building brands that positively impact this planet? Or simply, being kind and supporting the people around you?
Betina found her passions, then bravely followed them - ultimately finding her strength and purpose in empowering other people through health & fitness.
What matters to you?
It takes strength to look inwards, be sensitive to your feelings, your desires, your passions - to be vulnerable.
We want each & every one of you today to feel supported and loved - that it is really ok to be vulnerable - to be yourself. No matter where you are in your journeys, there is a support system for YOU and today it's with The Busy Woman Project.
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