If you missed The Busy Woman Project's 1st year celebration, here’s a sampling of what we got up to.

DROP THE KILO. A day of workouts, feasting, drinking & pampering with amazing women (& men) at Camp Kilo Charcoal Club, Singapore.

Riding with #teambusywoman community ambassador @meaghansee & @alex_toh as we get #strongertogether, Anthem

SweatBuddy Burn with #brocnbells sweatmaster @reagankang, @cassxhaus, @i_amfarhan, Haus Athletics

Sunset flow with #brocnbells sweatmaster @branstands, Yoga Instiinct

Acro Yoga with @leotheacrobitch

Our very own #BUSYBISH nail polish, Nail Deck

@alexialim getting pampered!, Envy Hair & Nails

Find Your SweatBuddy with BrocnBells.com 💦👫

Our very own #BUSYBISH smoothie (with Matcha 😘 ) - thanks Shake Farm!

Organic birch water from Finland, TÅPPED 🇫🇮

Essential oil scented soy candles, Hush

Hydrating mist, Adeva Spa

Your healthy snacks, Made Real

Vegan & Paleo cookies, Bakening

Coconut shakes, Soi Coco

With love from Bali, Utama Spice

Meet Dr. Pain, Posture Lab

Glitter face & body paint, Cahaya Collective

Get your hair done, Vaniday
Hello, cutie._
Go @novitalam!
@nattylifts & @tizianatan

We are thankful to meet people who inspire us everyday and be in conversation with you.
xx, The Busy Woman Project team (ft. Haus Athletics)