Why We Resist Change and How to Conquer the Devil We Know

Why We Resist Change and How to Conquer the Devil We Know

Change. A seemingly easy task to accomplish.

Between days, weeks and months, we change many things in our lives, like our food cravings, clothes, or favorite pastime. These changes are simple – occurring without much contemplation. However, there is another, more difficult type of change that we all yearn for as human beings who strive towards betterment. It’s the type of change that we all desperately want, knowing that it would improve our lives & well-being - but are often

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Wiring Your Brain For Success: How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs & Tackle the Subconscious Mind

Wiring Your Brain For Success: How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs & Tackle the Subconscious Mind

What’s the subconscious mind anyways?

The function of your subconscious mind is to store and retrieve data…and, more, importantly to keep you safe.

Our subconscious mind is the program that’s always running in the background. Shaped from a young age through childhood and past experiences, many of these programs can contain beliefs that are disempowering (“I’ll never be good enough”), self-sabotaging (“I don’t deserve to be happy”) and limiting (“I’m too old, it’s

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Becoming a Superhero - Strength Goals: Slaying Your First Pull Up

Becoming a Superhero - Strength Goals: Slaying Your First Pull Up

Is achieving a pull-up part of your new year's resolution or do you have an ongoing fitness goal to attain 5 pull-ups? Busy people who have multiple goals to slay, well, there are efficient & effective ways to get there!

You know how in action flicks, when the hero is hanging on to her dear life on a ledge of a 100-storey building, or is cornered in an alley by zombies and the only escape is to climb over the

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A Step Closer To Your (Resolution) Goals: Knowing Your Values, The Things That Are Important To You

A Step Closer To Your (Resolution) Goals: Knowing Your Values, The Things That Are Important To You

2018 - the new year’s here. Are you grateful for where your life is at? Are you happy to keep doing what you’re doing...or did you just resolve to fulfill a list of 100 new goals this year - running a marathon, improving your social / dating life, giving your time to causes that matter to you like depression, cancer, or perhaps, sleeping more?

What drives YOU to make these decisions?

Being well allows us to actively pursue

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