A Busy Woman’s Guide To Housewarming Gifts

A Busy Woman’s Guide To Housewarming Gifts

Your good friend just moved into her new apartment and you’re excited to see her new place! However, with work piling up in the office and the new yoga class you just joined, you simply do not have time to go window shopping for the perfect housewarming gift for her.

But, no fear! Picking a housewarming gift does not have to be as stressful as you think. With that, we have prepared a quick guide for you, especially befitting

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Who has heard of Marie Kondo? Tidying, Decluttering and Breaking Free with the KonMari Method™

Who has heard of Marie Kondo? Tidying, Decluttering and Breaking Free with the KonMari Method™

Fear, anxiety, resistance and sometimes guilt/shame creeps up when faced with understanding limiting barriers and the task of tidying.

There is a profound relationship between material possession and the state of mind. Our internal states and attitudes may be reflected upon the attachment to possessions and the way we treat them.

Take a moment to look at your clutter. How do they hold you back from progressing towards your goals? How do they reflect your inner and outer world?

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