What is the impact you want to create in YOUR lifetime?
A desire to make a difference, to leave an imprint on this world - perhaps to positively influence one person, a collective, or leave this earth in a better place; that is what #livingmypurpose is all about.
Goal of #livingmypurpose: Create awareness among individuals & the broader community to just take a pause to think...if they actually have a purpose? If yes, are they living their purpose? If no, how can they take simple steps to discover their purpose and start living it?
How can you participate?
Join the campaign and spread the word! Take a picture with a short phrase or word(s) that describes how you wish to make an impact and tag 3 other friends on your socials to do the same!
Use #livingmypurpose #teambusywoman and tag @thebusywomanproject.
Starting from Thu, 25th Jan - Sat, 31st Mar '18.
For any questions, please email: [email protected].

Note that everyone has the capability to make a difference (even if it is to just one person) and can have an impact on this world - to leave 'a legacy' behind.
Whether through leadership, parenthood, philanthropy, lifestyle choices, or championing for a cause like gender equality, making an impact requires one to stand for something, and follow through with action.
How has this evolved over the years? Have you ever encountered something/someone that caused a shift in your belief system, or perceptions? We all have a purpose in this short existence here on earth - how can we make the most of our talents? How do we want to be remembered?
The Busy Woman Project ambassador Lauren Hogan, who's living in Shanghai, shares how she is #livingmypurpose, and in doing so, hopes to inspire you to take your first step (if you haven't already) too!
"When I consider the type of legacy I want to leave behind, the words that come to mind are encouraging, motivational, sports-driven, confidence and strong.
I hope to encourage others to become more powerful, healthier versions of themselves. And to work hard to set and maintain their goals; to realize that with dedication and determination, they can turn their dreams into reality.
I want to share with women that even if they don't feel it yet, they have power and strength; they just need to realize it and feel confident with who they are.
Most importantly, I want to help women in sports find their voice, to push themselves to become the best athletes that they can be and to not shy away from the field/stadium/podium because they don't think they're good enough.
The legacy that I'd like to leave behind is to make the playing field level for everyone because SHE can play too. She is just as good, if not better. She is an athlete and she can and will do great things."

Clare is the Co-Founder of SharedSpace Hong Kong. She is excited to be growing a friendship with the The Busy Woman Project, because she believes in the The Busy Woman Project's vision and loves connecting with like-minded, women hustlers!
"What do I want my legacy to be… This is a big question! I don’t have an epic big answer. Our visions grow as we work to potentiate them, so my bigger vision, or North Star, is adjusting and evolving as I do the work daily to grow!
I have a two-part answer for this question, the first addressing my business, and the second addressing my personal contribution.
My (business and life) partner Aaron and I are fearless when it comes to innovating and beta testing new offerings and structures, because the possibility of failure only motivates us to do better.
So when it comes to the business’ legacy, there is no utopian dream of say, owning ten studios globally. Aaron and I also have zero interest in following existing models of success for studios (franchise, teaching certifications, product, luxury retreats, brand endorsement deals, etc). We love innovating to move how business is done forward, to see our peers, the millennials, reach their heights by bringing something new to the market. For me, that’s through innovation and growing personal brands, which is a great perspective to take into being active on social media.
I don’t know what my business’ legacy will be, but I promise to provide value. It’s simple supply and demand. As audio and video experience is growing, SharedSpace is there early in the Asian market for Movement, through podcasts and shows. As movement teachers discover the power of personal branding, we are there to support them with business strategy. We’ll continue to roll with the market.
As for my personal legacy, I want to be a reminder and inspiration to others, to not just explore, but realise their vast potential. I wish for the generation-to-come to build daily towards their potential, create unique offerings to support and bring others up. I believe we can all be stars!"

How do you want your life to touch others?
We all have an opportunity to make a difference - be it through our careers, a passion project, our relationships with others. Let's jot down our purpose, and share.
Are you already living it or are you making steps towards it?
What is one step you can take today?
"I’m fortunate for everything that swimming has given me and now I want to find ways to give back hopefully by using swimming and being an Olympian as my platform. How it all looks like is still a work in progress."
Camille Cheng, Hong Kong Olympic Athlete. Read her full interview here.
Let us spread and plant the seed of purpose in as many people's minds as possible!
Cheers to leading purposeful lives, together! xx