Are you working in a high pressure job, running your own business, raising kids, and constantly trying to meet everyone’s needs & expectations?
In today’s modern society, the idea of the Super Woman who does it all has become a valued social norm.
According to a study by Cambridge University, women are almost twice as likely to suffer from anxiety and stress than men, a trend that persists throughout their lifetimes. Women also ruminate more and are more critical of ourselves, which results in even higher levels of stress and anxiety.
Living with high levels of stress wreaks havoc in every aspect of your life. Besides early aging and health issues including weight gain & poor sleep, it also narrows your ability to think clearly, have good relationships and enjoy life.
Are you easily irritable and impatient with people around you? Do you forget where you put things? Do you feel dissatisfied with everything?
That’s a shame because living this way is a waste of your life. You are trying to do everything to meet everyone’s needs, and neither you nor the people around you are happy.
For your sake, and for those that you love & care about, it’s about time for you to take a timeout. A short holiday or stay-cation allows you to unwind and just be with yourself in those moments. No pressing matters for you to attend to, and no attention to pay to anyone else but you.

What if you could unwind, and better yourself at the same time? Wellness retreats with a focus on life coaching do just that!
1. Inculcate a positive mindset
Negative and critical thoughts lead to fear, anxiety, and dissatisfaction, which can be extremely stressful. On a stress management retreat, you will learn how to relieve stress and anxiety by learning how to respond positively and choose which thoughts to act on and let go. With the appropriate space, time, solitude and guidance to delve deep into the root cause of the issue, focus on getting unstuck and being empowered to move forward.

2. Professional Guidance
Similar to how a personal trainer helps improve your physical fitness, stress management retreats include training & counselling sessions by experts who will help you see your blind spots and improve how you respond to stress.
As unique individuals, these sessions are customized for you, and equip you with the necessary skills that help you manage stress better when you get back to your day to day adventures.
3. Support and Community
Retreats attract people with similar concerns or interests (e.g. looking to better themselves to achieve more goals). These people understand what you are going through and act as your support system – you are not alone. A community of like-minded but unique individuals are important for social buffering!
4. Unwind
Hosted in beautiful serene locations close to nature, the peaceful environment soothes you…lets you forget your problems, and allows you to completely relax. Being close & connected to nature has shown to reduce the production of cortisol i.e. “the stress hormone”. Cortisol is typically released in response to stress, which may cause higher insulin levels, causing your blood sugar to drop and more cravings for sugary, fatty foods.
Imagine waking up to a breathtaking view of the ocean. You get up in your own time, enjoying the quietness and scenery. You have no breakfast to make, no kids to rush off to school, no meetings, and no deadlines to meet. The retreat experience is all about you.

5. Become a Better YOU!
The time you spend relaxing, focusing on yourself, and learning stress management skills is always well spent because of the emotional, mental and physical health benefits it brings.
Taking time off to pause for a moment allows us to better assess our current situation and gain insights into how our responses to stress affects us and the people around us, and more importantly, what needs to change.
Are you bold enough to take a time-out? Are you ready to connect with what’s important again?

Article contributed by Zi En and Davina from Hasiko & Escape.