“The classes are not my workouts. They are yours!” When I first walked into the dimly lit studio, I could immediately feel her energy, her presence…I was getting excited, I knew I was up for an “ass-kicking insanity” workout! She knows the regulars by name and makes an effort to greet the newcomers. High knees, Runs, Weights, Squats, Bounce, Dance to the beats – she leads the class through movements and songs with gusto, jumping on and off the rebounder, moving around the room to look at what each person is doing, watching their form and spreading energy in the class!
How did I feel after class? Sweaty, Confident and Amazing. Loved it!
Meet Busy Woman Marcela Cmarkova - Chief Instructor at BBOUNCE Studio, Singapore's first dedicated rebounding studio.
“I chanced upon rebounding and I absolutely love it! Rebounding is pretty much for everybody – even people with slip discs, bad knees…and I’m currently the slimmest I’ve ever been!”
Those who have attended Marcela’s classes would know her for her passion, straightforwardness and dedication. She places her students’ safety as the utmost priority and stresses the importance of having the right shoes for the right workout. “It’s my biggest concern. I know that people do not believe me, but when you wear the wrong pair of shoes, you don’t always feel it immediately…after a couple of months, you will feel it, and by that time, you would be out of alignment.”
Born in Slovakia, Marcela has lived in the Netherlands, Bahrain, USA and travelled to almost every continent in the world before arriving in Singapore earlier this year with her family. Previously climbing the corporate ladder in HR, her foray into teaching in the fitness industry came by chance…
Coming from a dance background, Marcela has always breathed fitness. She vividly remembers a time when she shared the backstage with some contestants preparing for a Bikini Competition and witnessed the pep talks given by the coaches. That interesting dynamic between the coaches and contestants first piqued her curiosity in teaching and motivated her to explore more.
Marcela then started working at the reception of a gym. One day, an instructor called in sick and she was asked to do a class – a Zumba class – a class she had not even heard before. Instead of giving an immediate ‘no’, she decided to do her due diligence and watched a couple of videos on Zumba…
”I can do that!” With that mentality and with her broad fitness background, Marcela took up the challenge. After that class, she went on to become a Certified Zumba Instructor and her teaching career snowballed from there.
Today, Marcela’s passion for what she does is refueled each time she sees her clients’ progress – watching them getting stronger, healthier and happier. Even when she is feeling down in the dumps or unwell, at that moment when she hops onto the rebounder and sees her members, she feels amazing and comforted, motivating her to press on and give her best. She loves it even more so when she sees her students pushing themselves harder each time.
“I feel blessed by finding my purpose in this life - and that's to help and serve people - in any areas and aspects of their lives.”

Apart from realizing the joys she derives from instructing, Marcela’s previous travels to developing countries also played a formative role in wanting to help other people. Having spent months visiting local schools and hospitals in Africa and India, her voice mellowed when she spoke about the sufferings and hardships of the poor and destitute, which changed her perspective on life.
“We have it good.” Marcela is grateful for all that she has and has no regrets. She believes that every single step, even stupid decisions made previously, has led her to where she is today. Being able to appreciate everything, the good and the bad, takes courage – Courage that we find inspiring.
As a Busy Woman, Marcela turns to meditation as an outlet for relief when she feels that she has too much on her plate to handle. More importantly, she credits her ever-supportive husband, two little daughters and helper for allowing her to do what she does and pursue any goals she may have. To her, family is priority and she loves them unconditionally.
Marcela aspires to be a life coach when she is older, and we are confident she will do an awesome job. Keep chasing your dreams Marcela, no ambition is too lofty and no dream is too big!
At #TEAMBUSYWOMAN, we believe in the importance of featuring inspirational Busy Women. Women who have so much on their plates but choose to make conscious decisions and sacrifices to lead a better life for themselves and their loved ones. Women who have had struggles in their lives but defied all odds to become who they are today.
These women are around you - they are not perfect (who is?) and still have their own challenges...but they do have stories to share and inspire from within. Don’t we all need some inspiration or someone to look up to at times?
If you have a story to share or know of inspirational Busy Women, do drop us an email at [email protected]