Time-Strapped? Busy? No Time? Here's 5 Top Ways To Meet People #IRL

Time-Strapped? Busy? No Time? Here's 5 Top Ways To Meet People #IRL

Not counting the new intern in the Accounting department, it's been a long time since you've met anyone new... If even trying to find a decent conversation partner on most days seems to be a daunting task - girl, it's time we have a chat about your social life!

the busy woman project networking event hk

Many of us use time as an excuse when we talk about having a healthy social life. But in reality, no man is an island! For most of us, we need

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Finding Your Tribe: How it Affects Your Brain, Health & Longevity

Finding Your Tribe: How it Affects Your Brain, Health & Longevity

Strong social connections and a sense of belonging are vital to our health and wellbeing. When we have connected, secure relationships with others, our immune system is stronger, helping us to recover faster from any illnesses and our overall health is generally better! Conversely, the health risks from social isolation are comparable to the risks associated with cigarette smoking, high blood pressure and obesity.


Research has shown that one of the leading factors of longevity of the people of Okinawa

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