Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed - by work, your social calendar, the holidays? Are you on the brink of a burnout, or flourishing?
Prolonged stress can lead to health issues like depression and anxiety. Long hours at work coupled with a sedentary lifestyle also results in weight gain and chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. Many a time, one health issue increases the possibility of other problems down the road.
Productivity and personal enjoyment takes a nosedive when we are ill. So,
The Facts*
- South-East Asia: 86 million people are affected by depression.
- Asia: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality, accounting for 9.3 million deaths in 2014.
- Singapore: 72 per cent of employers in Singapore consider stress and mental health an issue affecting productivity.
- Worldwide: Approximately 800,000 people die from suicide globally each year. That is one death every 40 seconds.
- Hong Kong: More than 2 million Hongkongers suffer from insomnia - long working hours and digital devices blamed.
- PRC: 111.4% increase in prevalence of overweight and obesity from 1990 to 2013.
Whether genetically predisposed, dealing with long term work stress, facing severe life stressors, chronic illnesses, or substance abuse etc, these factors can affect the way your brain regulates your moods.
Living in Asia where “face-saving” is such a big part of the culture, openly discussing our health issues, especially mental health, is uncommon. And yet, that is the best way to create awareness - so that those affected whether directly or indirectly can seek the necessary help!

The various aspects of well-being are interlinked and ideally, we should work on what we personally have neglected, or even take little steps by first being conscious of what goes through our minds & bodies.
This could be an emotional aspect - how we deal with situations that demand our attention. This could be a social aspect - improving and/or building new relationships. Or perhaps, you’ve recently undertaken new responsibilities and have not been able to manage your schedule to fit in exercise, or have failed to pay heed to your cognitive health.
With the average lifespan increasing, a more important question should be:
So how can we live healthier, more fulfilling lives? Many a person who is truly happy with where they are in life share a common foundation. Knowing the values that matter to them, and making conscious decisions to live purpose-driven lives.
Purpose can mean many things for different people. What is your purpose; what is the value of your existence?
Moving into 2018, The Busy Woman Project will be focusing on core themes each quarter. The theme to kickstart the year?
With our new focus, it is our greatest hope that it helps you as much as YOU have helped us navigate the past year. This life we have is short and precious, what are you doing to make the most out of it? Have you identified your purpose, your guiding values?
South-East Asia: 86 million people are affected by depression (World Health Organization, 2017); Asia: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality, accounting for 9.3 million deaths in 2014 (The Economist, 2017); Singapore: 72 per cent of employers in Singapore consider stress and mental health an issue affecting productivity (APAC Benefits Strategy Study, 2017); Worldwide: Approximately 800,000 people die from suicide globally each year. That is one death every 40 seconds (World Health Organization, 2017)); Hong Kong: More than 2 million Hongkongers suffer from insomnia - long working hours and digital devices blamed (SCMP, 2017); PRC: 111.4% increase in prevalence of overweight and obesity from 1990 to 2013 (ADB, 2017).