[EVENT] Move & Live: What is Your Life's Purpose? an Experience by The Busy Woman Project X WeWork

[EVENT] Move & Live: What is Your Life's Purpose? an Experience by The Busy Woman Project X WeWork

Hong Kong, 8th Feb 2018 (Thursday)

In 2018, The Busy Woman Project set its intentions to raise more awareness on building resilience; with a focus on overall wellbeing. Why do some people suffer real adversity and not buckle? Resilient people have been theorised to possess three characteristics: a firm acceptance of reality; a deep belief that life is meaningful, and exceptional improvisation skills.

"Move & Live" is conceptualized upon this premise and in-line with 1Q18 theme: Living a Purposeful Life.

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#livingmypurpose: What Do I Want My Impact To Be

#livingmypurpose: What Do I Want My Impact To Be

What is the impact you want to create in YOUR lifetime?

A desire to make a difference, to leave an imprint on this world - perhaps to positively influence one person, a collective, or leave this earth in a better place; that is what #livingmypurpose is all about.

Goal of #livingmypurpose: Create awareness among individuals & the broader community to just take a pause to think...if they actually have a purpose? If yes, are they living their purpose? If

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A Step Closer To Your (Resolution) Goals: Knowing Your Values, The Things That Are Important To You

A Step Closer To Your (Resolution) Goals: Knowing Your Values, The Things That Are Important To You

2018 - the new year’s here. Are you grateful for where your life is at? Are you happy to keep doing what you’re doing...or did you just resolve to fulfill a list of 100 new goals this year - running a marathon, improving your social / dating life, giving your time to causes that matter to you like depression, cancer, or perhaps, sleeping more?

What drives YOU to make these decisions?

Being well allows us to actively pursue

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De-Stress and Upgrade Your Health in 2018

De-Stress and Upgrade Your Health in 2018

Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed - by work, your social calendar, the holidays? Are you on the brink of a burnout, or flourishing?

Prolonged stress can lead to health issues like depression and anxiety. Long hours at work coupled with a sedentary lifestyle also results in weight gain and chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. Many a time, one health issue increases the possibility of other problems down the road.


Productivity and personal enjoyment takes a nosedive when we

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